Exploring the Exotic Gear in Destiny 2

Ricardo Lopez Avatar

Are you looking to take your Destiny 2 experience to the next level?

Exotic weapons, armor, and trinkets are a great way to upgrade your game.

Take the example of the exotic hand cannon ‘The Last Word’; with its high rate of fire and ability to shoot through walls, it’s an incredibly versatile weapon.

Explore the world of exotic gear to maximize your potential and optimize your loadout.

Key Takeaways

  • Exotic weapons in Destiny 2 have unique perks that cannot be found on other weapons, significantly increasing firepower.
  • Exotic armor offers bonuses that can be unlocked through cultivation and enhancement, requiring completing challenging tasks and upgrading with rare resources.
  • Exotic trinkets grant additional benefits and bonuses when equipped, providing powerful power-ups to enhance gameplay.
  • Infusing exotics with other gear and understanding how weapons and armor pieces interact is crucial for maximizing power in loadouts.

Exotic Weapons

Discovering the powerful exotic weapons in Destiny 2 is an adventure you won’t want to miss! Exotic weapons are some of the most powerful pieces of equipment in the game, and they come with unique perks that can’t be found anywhere else.

The unique perks of exotic weapons allow for modding strategies that are unavailable with other weapons, making them a valuable asset to any Guardian’s arsenal. When you equip an exotic weapon, you can expect to see a noticeable difference in your firepower.

Exotic weapons also have special stats and abilities that make them stand out from the rest. With these special stats and abilities, you can maximize your damage output and take on the toughest opponents. Plus, exotic weapons can be further customized with special modding strategies for an even greater boost in power.

As a result, equipping an exotic weapon can drastically increase your combat effectiveness, allowing you to take on even the most powerful enemies.

Exotic Armor

Uncovering the powerful exotic armor in Destiny 2 is an adventure you won’t want to miss! Exotic armor pieces offer bonuses that can be unlocked through cultivation and enhancement.

Cultivating Exotics requires players to complete challenging tasks, such as defeating powerful enemies or finishing difficult missions. Enhancing Power means upgrading the armor piece, often requiring rare resources. By combining these two tasks, players can unlock powerful bonuses.

Each piece of exotic armor is unique and offers its own bonuses that can be used to customize a Guardian’s power. Exotic armor is difficult to find, but the rewards are worth the effort.

Transitioning from exotic armor to exotic trinkets, it’s clear that Destiny 2 offers an exciting adventure for those willing to seek out the powerful gear.

Exotic Trinkets

Exploring exotic trinkets in Destiny 2 can unlock a host of powerful bonuses! Exotic trinkets are items that, when equipped, grant the player additional benefits and bonuses. These trinkets come with a variety of Exotic effects that can provide powerful Power ups.

TrinketExotic Effect
Gauntlets of the ExileGrants bonus damage when reloading
Bindings of the ExileGrants bonus damage against Fallen enemies
Mark of the ExileGrants bonus damage when using a Super
Mask of the ExileGrants bonus damage when using a Melee
Cloak of the ExileGrants bonus damage when using a Grenade

Each trinket has an Exotic effect that can benefit the player in a variety of ways. The Gauntlets of the Exile grant bonus damage when reloading, the Bindings of the Exile grant bonus damage against Fallen enemies, the Mark of the Exile grants bonus damage when using a Super, the Mask of the Exile grants bonus damage when using a Melee, and the Cloak of the Exile grants bonus damage when using a Grenade. All of these trinkets can provide powerful power ups to the player.

Best Practices for Using Exotics

Knowing how to use your Exotics effectively is key to success in Destiny 2! Earning Exotics in-game is the first step, whether through random drops or by completing pursuits. Once you have the Exotic you desire, the next step is to infuse it with other gear to increase its power level. You can also dismantle unneeded gear to receive upgrade materials, allowing you to upgrade your Exotics.

With all of the Exotic gear available in Destiny 2, understanding the best practices for using Exotics can help you make the most of your gaming sessions.

Infusing Exotics is a great way to increase your power level quickly. Upgrading your Exotics with upgrade materials is a great way to make sure they’re as powerful as possible. While it’s tempting to dismantle all of your unneeded gear, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s a limited resource. Dismantling only the gear you’re sure you won’t need is the best way to make sure you have enough resources to upgrade your Exotics.

Optimizing Exotic Gear Loadouts

Now that you have the Exotic gear you desire, it’s time to optimize your loadouts for maximum power! An important part of optimizing your loadouts is infusing Exotics. Infusing Exotics requires understanding how weapons and armor pieces interact with each other, and how to maximize their power. Exotic farming is another important part of the optimization process. Exotic farming requires knowledge of the best methods of acquiring Exotic items, as well as understanding what Exotics are best for your loadouts.

Exotic FarmingInfusing Exotics
Best methods of acquiring ExoticsHow weapons and armor pieces interact
What Exotics are best for your loadoutsMaximum power

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Get Exotic Gear in Destiny 2?

You can get exotic gear in Destiny 2 through three methods: crafting exotics, acquiring them from random drops, or buying them from the Eververse.

To craft an exotic, you’ll need to find a weapon or armor blueprint. These blueprints can be obtained from various activities. Additionally, you’ll need a certain power level to be able to craft exotics.

Acquiring random drops is another way to obtain exotic gear. You can participate in various activities like public events, raids, and Crucible matches to increase your chances of receiving random drops.

Lastly, you have the option to purchase exotic gear from the Eververse store. This can be done using either silver or bright dust.

What Are the Strongest Exotic Weapons and Armor?

You want to know what the strongest exotic weapons and armor are? Well, it all comes down to crafting strategies, power levels, and stat comparisons.

Figuratively speaking, you’re looking for a needle in a haystack. To find the best gear, you need to do some research and choose your gear wisely.

Power levels, stat comparison, and crafting strategies come into play here. Consider your build, the enemies you face, and the situation you’re in.

Think about what’ll give you the most advantage over your opponents. With all that in mind, you’ll be able to find the exotic gear that works best for you.

Is It Possible to Upgrade Exotic Gear?

Yes, it’s possible to upgrade exotic weapons and armor in Destiny 2. Each piece of exotic gear comes with its own unique perks and abilities, which can be further improved by equipping it with weapon upgrades or other items.

Exotic weapons and armor have the highest rarity tier in the game, thus making them the most powerful and sought-after items. However, their upgrades are limited in comparison to other weapons and armor, as they can’t be upgraded to the same level of power as their non-exotic counterparts.

What Are the Differences Between Exotic Weapons and Legendary Weapons?

You may have heard the adage that ‘it’s not the arrow, but the Indian’ and this rings true when comparing Exotic weapons and Legendary weapons in Destiny 2.

Exotic weapons have unique perks and power levels that far outstrip Legendary weapons, allowing for greater farming strategies.

Additionally, Exotic weapons aren’t subject to sunsetting effects, meaning they can be used for longer, whereas Legendary weapons will need to be replaced with the release of new seasons.

How Often Do Exotic Gear Drops Occur?

Exotic gear drops are incredibly rare. While there’s no exact number of how often these drops occur, they’re much rarer than legendary gear drops.

Exotic gear is at the highest level of rarity, usually requiring special grinding strategies to obtain. For example, you may need to complete a lengthy questline or participate in certain in-game events to acquire these items.

With that being said, exotic gear is usually worth the effort as they often come with powerful perks that make them stand out from other gear.


It’s no exaggeration to say that Destiny 2’s exotic gear is truly extraordinary. With powerful weapons, armor, and trinkets that can make or break a build, it’s essential to know how to use them correctly.

By taking the time to optimize your loadouts and experiment with different combinations, you can be sure you’re making the most of this amazing gear.

With the right approach, you can become a master of the exotic!

Level up your gaming skills! Dive into my blog at for insider tips and strategies. Don’t miss out!

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